24-channel with 24-bit dynamic range (most of today’s multichannel seismographs
One with16-bit dynamic range may be acceptable. A laptop computer is usually necessary to control seismograph. A rugged toughbook is preferred.
A 12-V small car or motorcycle battery with relatively low capacity (e.g., 4Ah)
A dry-cell battery can also be used for several hours of acquisition.
4.5-Hz Geophones (higher frequency geophones can also be used; e.g., 10-Hz, 14-Hz, 40-Hz, etc.)
High-frequency geophones (e.g., 40 Hz) may be acceptable for relatively shallow investigation only (e.g., Zmax ≤ 10 m). A land streamer is strongly recommended for fastest acquisition.
Sledge Hammer (≥ 8-lb) (for maximum investigation depth, Zmax, ≤ 30 m)
A weight-drop source can further increase investigation depth; e.g., Zmax ≥ 30 m.
Aluminum plate (e.g., 1 ft x 1 ft size with 1/2-in thickness)
Softer plate (e.g., polyethylene) can improve energy at lower frequencies (therefore, Zmax).
A separate geophone planted near the strike plate can also be used.
Radio triggering system can also be used at the expense of higher cost.
Any range in 4-8 ft takeout spacing may be acceptable.
Trigger Extension Cable (e.g., 100 ft), Jumper Cable (e.g., 30 ft), Tape Measure (≥ 100 ft), Stake Flags, Black Tape, Ear Plugs, Gloves, Spray Paint, GPS, Safety Gears, etc.